The ability to log in to the server via SSH and the set of tools provided there such as git allow for easy application update. Automating deployments comes down to creating simple scripts. What do you think Node developers expect from hosting providers What matters most is the ease of use and completeness of the solution. In my opinion in the case of ready made hosting it is important to be able to get the first results as quickly as possible and then easily develop the application.
If a developer can focus on the code and the rest happens automatically then the service can be successful. Many developers keep their code in the git version control system so being able to update it on the serverPhone Number List using this tool is crucial. I would also focus on server security and performance. I can't imagine not being able to look into my server to check application logs so SSH access is a must. MUST READ ON THE BLOG Nod and MongoDB from today on hosting at naz nazw is the leader of the hosting market in Poland! Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter promotion Tags security Secure Domain.
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