If the competition is beating you with their marketing plans, we assure you that it is for a particular reason they have better identified who they are talking to and how they should do it. Identifying your target is essential, but it is also essential to do it very well, in a very specific way. Sometimes we think we know exactly who we are talking to, but we are not self-critical or reflective in this regard. Identifying your target is a business strategy Identifying your target is something that must be aligned with the company's strategic plans.
Who or who does the company want to sell to? How do they typify or model them? It is an exercise that is also known as “definition of the buyer persona and that is essential to better focus digital campaigns and attract precisely the ideal client. Knowing exactly who and Digital Marketing Service why you are selling helps you focus your efforts on what really matters. Many make the mistake of talking to “everyone,” believing that with a shotgun shot, someone will hit. But in digital marketing this is useless and the best results come with focus.
Deciding who you talk to also means deciding who you don't talk to. Identifying a target has to do with strategic commitments. If you have not done so yet, we will help you with a consultative exercise that defines whom to orient yourself towards. How to identify your target ? With so many people on the Internet, it seems like a complicated task to identify where the people you are interested in are. We understand that it can be a struggle. However, we help you by leaving here a list of infallible questions.